
PLab contains MATLAB functions for the following procedures:

v1.1: Topological feature extraction

v1.2: Topological inference (currently in review)

A demo script and simulation exercise are provided in each version of the package. 

Please fill out the form to download the package for learning, teaching, and research purpose only.

If you use the package for your work, please use the following citations:

Wang, Y., Ombao, H., Chung, M.K. (2018). Topological data analysis of single-trial electroencephalographic signals. Annals of Applied Statistics. 12(3):1506-1534.

Wang, Y., Ombao, H., Chung, M.K. (2019). Statistical persistent homology of brain signals. Proceedings of the 44th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 1125 – 1129.

The following demo is built on the simulation settings of Wang et al (2018, 2019). 

Generate 4 signals of increasing frequencies

T = 2*pi;ts = 500; % number of time points in a signalparas = 4; xx = linspace(0,T,ts);omega = [1 2 5 10]; signal = zeros(paras,ts); for para=1:paras    signal(para,:) = xx.*cos(omega(para)*xx);end figure; for para=1:paras   subplot(paras,1,para);plot(xx,signal(para,:),'black');end

Construct barcodes for the signals

The construction requires a pairing algorithm that pairs the unique local minimums and maximums the Elder Rule. 

bars = cell(1,paras);

for para = 1:paras

    [count,critx,crity,M,bars{para}] = barcode(xx,(signal(para,:)-min(signal(para,:)))./(max(signal(para,:))-min(signal(para,:))));



for para = 1:paras


    for i = 1:size(bars{para},1)


        hold on;



Construct persistence landscapes based on the barcodes

m = 100;

bars = cell(1,paras);

left = zeros(1,paras);

right = zeros(1,paras);

pl = cell(1,paras);

for para = 1:paras

    [count,critx,crity,M,bars{para}] = barcode(xx,signal(para,:));

    left(para) = min(min(bars{para}));

    right(para) = max(max(bars{para}));

    pl{para} = PL(bars{para},left(para),right(para),m); % first row is left:right with m intervals




for para = 1:paras


    for l = 2:size(pl{para},1)


        hold on;


    view([-185 10]);
